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Asia / Qatar Time Zone and Exact Time

The current local time in Qatar is 02:23:55 AM on Sunday, January 5, 2025. This city is in the Asia / Qatar time zone, which has a GMT offset of UTC +3 hours. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is currently No in this region. Below you will find additional key information and a map showing the location of Qatar.

Current Qatar Time:

Country Code: QA
Country Name: Qatar
Time Zone Name: Asia/Qatar
UTC Offset: UTC UTC +03:00
Abbreviation: AST
Daylight Saving Time in effect: DST No

Current times in the capitals of Asia: Follow the link to see the exact time and time zones of the capitals in Asia.

What is the time zone? A time zone is a region of the Earth's surface that spans approximately 15 degrees of longitude and extends from the North Pole to the South Pole, where a consistent clock time is observed. Time zones serve as the foundation for standard time, which was established in the late 19th century to address the varying local times caused by the expansion of railways connecting different locations.

To see the other time zones and their exact times, click the links in the time zone table on the previous page.

Search for any place globally: Make sure to use the search box in the menu to find the exact time, day, month, and weather for a particular place, as it provides extensive information. Additionally, the search box allows you to discover sunrise and sunset times, moonrise and moonset times, and further astronomical data for every city around the world.

Map of Qatar

View the Google Maps of Qatar, visit this page for Driving Directions, or Generate a Google Maps Embed Code here for such a free Qatar map.

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